PLAY Music is full of passionate, talented musicians who love what they do and want to spread this love of music to everyone! They are offering music lessons to all ages and levels, catered to your unique need.This season, we're partnering with the Alan Hu Foundation. All proceeds from these lessons will be donated to the Alan Hu Foundation for Mental Health (check out their page).
Lessons are $10 for half an hour. Click here for the list of teachers! Student Sign-up Form
You should choose one out of six topics and argue for which side of the issue you think is most persuasive. Discuss your perspectives using relevant evidence and philosophy. The evaluation of the essays will be split into 2 categories: Grade 6-8th grade and Grade 9-12th grade. All participants are invited to PLAY's award ceremony (likely to be held online this year). For more information, please contact PLAY president Brian Fu.
The application deadline is quickly approaching. Don't forget the filing deadline is August 16th. Once all signatures are gathered in the PVSA Verification Sheet, email the PVSA Verification Sheet to [email protected]. Please include your name and your subgroup name as part of the Subject.
PLAY Health is excited to host a Medical Explorer on Saturday July 18th with Dr. Brian Wu, a radiologist, from 10 AM-11 AM. Dr. Wu attended Harvard University for his undergraduate education and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He currently works at Palo Alto Medical Foundation as the chief radiologist. During this seminar, not only will Dr. Wu share what inspired him to enter the medical field and how he started his career as a radiologist, but audience will also be able to ask questions about his workplace.
Join us by signing up for this event using the Google Form linked below! PLAY Engineering is offering a computer and mechanical design camp from July 15-19th. This creative challenge camp will teach kids how to design bridges, roller coasters, and character on their laptops. Register here.
January 2025